Google+ trends: David Beckham, Harry Styles

On Friday, February 1, Google+ users are buzzing about David Beckham's move to French football club Paris Saint-Germain and wishing Harry Styles a happy birthday.

On Thursday it was announced that Beckham had moved to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), which is in the country's top division -- Ligue 1.

Beckham caused a further stir when he announced that his wages for playing with PSG will go, in their entirety, to a Paris children's charity.

Elsewhere on Google+ users of the social network are wishing Harry Styles, a member of the boy band One Direction, a happy birthday as he turns 19 on Friday.

The top 5 most talked about topics on Google+ on February 1 at 11:00 AM GMT are:

01. #HappyBirthdayHarry
02. West Indies
03. #PS4
04. David Beckham
05. #FidoFriday