Turn your thumbnail into a trackpad

The NailO - fingernails as an input surface

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab are developing a tiny wearable that can be attached to a wearer's fingernail to remotely control a host of devices.

Called the NailO it's roughly the size of a commercialized nail-art sticker yet offers the same levels of functionality as a notebook computer's trackpad -- simply move an index finger over its surface in order to remotely control a smartphone, tablet or computer.

As such it could be the perfect solution for turning the page on an e-book, remotely skipping a song on the playlist or double checking a recipe on a touch screen without covering said display with beaten egg and flour -- an extra hand that fits on the tip of a finger.

However its developers also see NailO as a means of controlling a host of connected things, from other wearables to smart appliances and of a means of expressing individual style.

"As current wearable technologies get smaller and thinner and closer to the human body, there's a greater need and desire to be able to personalize the appearance of these devices to make them more appealing to wear," said development team member Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao.